

1515 Bennett Avenue

St. Louis MO, 63122

07:30AM - 5:00PM

Monday to Friday



1515 Bennett Avenue

St. Louis MO, 63122

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday

Project Approach

Project Approach — Preparing for Future Academic and Leadership Success.

Before incorporating the Project Approach into our curriculum, Rohan Woods faculty and staff visited and studied at Duke School in Durham, North Carolina – a leader in Project Learning.  In 2016, Rohan Woods implemented Project into our classrooms with an approach utilizing the best practices.  Rohan Woods School uses Project in class to provide in-depth investigations that challenge students to apply skills, knowledge, and strategies from different content areas as they do authentic research, analyze data, think deeply about problems and draw conclusions. As projects evolve, students build on their unique interests and talents and become experts in a particular area of the project topic. Through project work students not only learn new concepts and content, they develop the competencies essential for future learning: the ability to formulate essential questions, conduct research both independently and collaboratively, evaluate and synthesize results, present those results to others, and reflect on the strengths of their work and the ways they can improve.  Project provides a platform for engaging students with challenging academics that put the emphasis on student involvement.  This approach also encourages leadership skill development in teamwork, planning and presentation. 

In addition to the Project Approach to learning – Rohan Woods School encourages hands-on, real world learning opportunities.  Each year, Rohan Woods offers an experiential trip for our Fifth and Sixth Grade students. Along with faculty, they take a rotating educational trip of a lifetime to see the world outside the classroom and apply academic learning and leadership to real world experiences.Located in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada, the Huntsman Marine Biology Centre offers students a first-hand look at coastal shores and how to achieve sustainable development and effective management of these amazing natural resources. The Centre is located at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, perfectly situated to access one of the world’s most biologically productive ecosystems. 

This trip traditionally taken in even years provides an important science interface used to complement the science curriculum to access and understand the amazing life in the ocean. While at the Centre, students study sea stars, feed stingrays, and go on a whale-sighting expedition.