Building the foundation for a lifetime of fitness.

It is so much more – Physical Education (or “Coach” as it is known to our students) is scheduled every day, for all PK through Sixth Grade students. The goal of the Physical Education Program is simple: to be instructional while building enthusiasm for athletics and fitness.
Research shows that it is beneficial to begin the day with exercise. The Rohan Woods Running Club meets before school twice a week to promote fitness and wellness. For those children who want to join a team, our after school Inter-Scholastic Athletics Program is available for our Third through Sixth Grade students. These sports are an opportunity for students to showcase the skills they’ve developed in class during games, meets and tournaments. Several St. Louis Independent Schools compete with us in soccer, flag football, floor hockey, basketball, and track and field. Children who participate are encouraged to give their best in competition, guided by sportsmanship and the love of play. RWS Eagles learn how to accept winning and losing and to appreciate the joy of an afternoon with family and friends cheering us on!
Our upper school students also enjoy lunch leagues. This league is lead by Sixth Grade captains, and all Third through Sixth Graders are invited to play during recess. Captains select teams, manage players and lead their teams on the field. Players enjoy the camaraderie of students in other grades as they learn the fine arts of sportsmanship, leadership and competition. We play soccer, flag football, team handball, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball and baseball.