1515 Bennett Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63122



1515 Bennett Avenue

St. Louis MO, 63122

Why Invest In Preschool And Elementary Education?

White Paper: Why Invest in Preschool and Elementary Education — age 2 – Grade 6?

Rohan Woods School has prepared a white paper, “Why Invest in Preschool and Elementary Education — age 2 – Grade 6?”  based on a report released by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academy of Science.  Here’s the introduction from the white paper.


In October 2000, the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academy of Science released a report entitled:  From Neurons to Neighborhoods:  The Science of Early Childhood Development.  The final paragraph of that 588-page report presented a compelling challenge:

The charge to this committee was to blend the knowledge and insights of a broad range of disciplines to generate an integrated science of early childhood development.  The charge to society is to blend the skepticism of a scientist, the passion of an advocate, the pragmatism of a policy maker, the creativity of a practitioner, and the devotion of a parent – and to use existing knowledge to ensure both a decent quality of life for all our children and a promising future for the nation.

Why Invest In Preschool And Elementary Education?  (Age 2 – Grade 6)

In January, 2007; using the National Academy of Science report, The Center on the Developing Child – Harvard University, wrote a paper and outlined seven Core Concepts of Development gleaned from the NAS research report.  This paper is intended to parse out those concepts and apply each to the learning environment created for students at Rohan Woods.  

Concept 1: Child development is a foundation for community development and economic development, as capable children become the foundation of a prosperous and sustainable society

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) describes developmentally appropriate practices (“DAP”), [as] “an approach to teaching, grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn, and in what is known about effective early education.” According to the NAEYC findings, there are three considerations that must be taken into account when determining a DAP curriculum:

I.         Knowing about child development and learning;

II.        Knowing what is individually appropriate, and

III.       Knowing what is culturally important.

Want to read the rest of the white paper? Copies are available upon request.

Send an email request to:   mcomesana@rohanwoods.org    Include in the subject line:  Request for Rohan Woods School white paper

In the email, please include your name, the email where you’d like the pdf file to be sent and, if you looking at preschools or elementary schools for your children, their names and birthdates.

Thank you,

Maura Comesana, Director of Enrollment Management
Rohan Woods School 
