Project Approach to Elementary Education
1515 Bennett Avenue
St. Louis MO, 63122
314.821.6270 ph
314.821.6878 fx
St. Louis is fortunate to have many educational options. The independent school community is strong and thriving, serving as leaders for educators and students in St. Louis. Rohan Woods School believes in independent education, and its important impact, and is committed to making it affordable. Many public school and ISSL Secondary School employees seek independent education, but find it’s cost prohibitive. These full-time Employees have a unique opportunity with the Rohan Woods School Impact Scholarship.
We created the Emerging Leader Scholarship specifically for new incoming students – Grade 1 through Grade 6 – who demonstrate emerging leadership qualities.
The Scholarship helps our newest students discover and develop their own unique leadership skills. This is an intentional leadership program designed to give our students the ability to lead when called upon.